Video presentation of the Eclairvale / Flowers & Fruits:
Thinning at the flower stage (Spain, 2016):
Past vs. future
Fruits thinning on apricot trees in Italy (Cuneo, 2016):
Apples thining (France, 2015):
Documentary made by Orogel cooperative society (Italy, plums, 2016):
Fruits thinning in France (Blue Whale, Montauban, plums, 2015):
Fruits thinning in France (Pépinières Grard, Nîmes, plums, 2015):
Flowers thinning in Chili (La Hornilla, 2015):
Flowers thinning in Spain (La Carrichosa, 2014):
Buds thinning in Spain (La Ciezana, 2016):
Buds thinning in Spain (Poveda, 2016):
Use in collecting apples in France (Agrial, 2015):
Opening of the Eclairvale:
Closing of the Eclairvale:
Moving the Eclairvale: